The 3 Things I’m Doing to Boost my Productivity

One evening not too terribly long ago, my husband and I were chatting about my day. I’ll be honest, I hadn’t done a lot. Or even a little for that matter. I just wasn’t motivated and I had a ginormous case of the I DON’T WANT Tos. It was a real problem, you see the that entire week I felt like that. I would go to sleep late, wake up late, and do a thing here or there. Zero energy. Zero motivation. I realized that I was a person who needed a little dose of structure and routine and a large dose of motivation. I started making these three changes and noticed that I had boosted my productivity.
1. Eating Breakfast
One of the easiest things I am doing to boost my productivity is eating breakfast. Normally, this is not my jam. I like to have a liquid breakfast of caffeine. However, I started eating breakfast with my husband in the early hours and noticed that my energy was higher and more sustainable than on coffee alone. Maybe Mom was right. Could Breakfast really be the most important meal of the day?
2. Making a Goal List
This is not just a fancy way of saying to-do list. Really think deep to what your goals are for the day. You want to write them down because even just achieving tiny goals can give us the motivation to reach for the big ones. Plus, there is just something real exciting and satisfying about being able to mark through them as completed.
3. Visualizing the Future
Vision board, anyone? I Love vision boards. I create one for all the projects I start. They keep me motivated and I noticed when I started taking the time to revisit them daily and really look at what I wrote, it boosted my productivity on that particular project. You could also do a bullet journal to visualize what you what your future to look like.
Once I started implementing these three small changes, I noticed I was getting more done on my projects. All it took for me to boost my productivity was a little nutrition and a whole lot of finding my motivation.