
The Best Nursing Chairs for Breastfeeding your Baby 

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Breastfeeding your little one is a special experience that requires ultimate comfort for both mother and baby. The breastfeeding journey can be stressful at times, but a calm and comfortable atmosphere can help support the journey. A perfect nursing chair can offer you relaxation, support, and functionality even during those wee hours of the night. You will spend so much time in this chair, so it is important to pick the right one. With so many chairs in the market, it can be overwhelming to pick the one that will fit your needs. This blog post aims to help new mothers choose the perfect chair for breastfeeding by looking at various aspects and providing a list of the best-sellers in different price points and styles.

In my personal experience, I needed the right set up to help support me in my journey. It made things easier and even helped me mentally as it helped with my post partum self care. One of my favorite things, that encouraged me to stay awake and pump even after everyone was asleep, was my nursery set up. A comfy chair, a tv, snacks, and a warm beverage, this helped me to relax and gave me something to look forward to while I pumped even when I was exhausted. 

One of my biggest regrets was actually not getting it all set up sooner. I anticipated just coming home and breastfeeding in my chair in the living room. However, I found the soft light and calming atmosphere of the nursery was sometimes what I needed and having a dedicated nursing chair was all part of that. 

If you choose bottle feeding, it is still important for new parents to choose a great nursery glider or chair. You’ll still be spending a lot of time in it. 

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Nursing Chair

1. **Comfort**: For late-night feedings, comfort is essential. Look for a chair with plush cushions, supportive armrests, and ergonomic design.

2. **Durability**: As you’ll be spending a significant amount of time in your nursing chair, make sure it’s built to withstand the test of time. High-quality materials and sturdy construction are crucial to lasting a long time. I feel like this is definitely important if you are wanting it to last for rocking more than one of your babies. You need to look for something that will last for years. Plus, you’ll want to pick out easy to clean fabric. 

3. **Adjustability**: Look for chairs with adjustable reclining angles and footrests to customize your seating position. Some nursing chairs also come with locking mechanisms to avoid wobbling during feeding sessions.

4. **Size**: Measure the available space in your baby’s nursery before purchasing a chair. Some nursing chairs have a compact design, while others may be bulky. Pick a chair that easily fits in your designated space without compromising your comfort. I personally prefer a wide seat.

5. **Support**: During breastfeeding, proper support for your neck, back, and arms is important. Opt for chairs with additional lumbar support and padded armrests. Additionally, you might be interested in chairs that offer different positions rather than the traditional rocker. 

3 Types of Nursing Chairs

1. **Gliders**: Gliders move in a smooth, back-and-forth motion, providing an easy rocking sensation. They can often be paired with a matching ottoman, which can act as a footrest.

  •  Pros: Smooth movement, quiet operation 
  •  Cons: May require more space for setup, higher price range than traditional rocker. Also, no reclining which is sometimes helpful for getting the right position. I have noticed sometimes the pads on these can be thinner than I like so not a super comfortable seat after sitting in it for a bit. 

2. **Rocking Chairs**: Rocking chairs have a more traditional feel and provide a gentle rocking motion.

  •    Pros: Budget-friendly, compact, timeless design, good for small spaces.
  •    Cons: Less ergonomic support, may creak, and might not be as comfy for long periods of time. You would probably need to add extra pillows and padding to make this a comfortable chair. 

3. **Armchair Options**: Armchairs incorporate features of both gliders and rocking chairs, offering more customization options. These are really my ideal choice because of all the handy features and all the great support. 

  •    Pros: Comfortable, versatile, added features like massagers or heat. I have even seen some that have a usb port for phone charging. 
  •    Cons: More expensive, typically bulkier. 

My Top 3 Nursing Chair Recommendations

1. **Storkcraft Premium Hoop Glider and Ottoman** (Price: $$)


This affordable glider and ottoman set offer comfort and durability with its padded arm cushions and smooth gliding motion. It’s an excellent choice for mothers seeking a budget-friendly, plush option. I think this is a great option that offers a more comfortable spot than the traditional rocking chair. 

I love the gentle gliding motion and I loved the included ottoman that came with mine.  This also might be a better option for smaller spaces than the next two on the list. 

2. **Angel Line Rebecca Upholstered Swivel Gliding Recliner, Gray Linen with White Piping** (Price: $$$)


With its 360-degree swivel glider and reclining feature, this versatile chair offers extra support and adjustability. Its ergonomic design accommodates various seating positions, perfect for those long feeding sessions. We have something similar in our church nursery, and I really find it to be a comfy chair with plenty of support for rocking. Additionally, I really love the different colors and styles. I think the white piping on the grey linen makes it a modern design. It really is a gorgeous nursery glider. 

3. **OBBOLLY Swivel Rocker Recliner Chair with Massage, Manual Glider Rocking Recliner Chair** (Price: $$$$)

This luxurious chair has a myriad of features to offer – 360-degree swivel, manual gliding, reclining options, and massaging functionality. It’s an investment piece that ensures relaxation and comfort for years to come. If this is in the budget by the time I have my next baby, this will be a top pick for me. I think the bonus features would really add extra comfort and make it a special place where I actually look forward to sitting.  I think I prefer a recliner over other options because of the high back and the abundance of support that it provides. Plus, this one can be nursery furniture or be placed in the living room once we are ready to. 

No matter which style of nursing chair you choose, make sure to prioritize comfort and safety when making your decision. Consider your other needs — such as budget, size, and features — and then select a chair that best suits you and your baby’s needs. Remember it won’t be long before you are using it for story time. 

Enjoy the wonderful journey of motherhood! 

Happy Shopping!

The Best Nursing Chairs for Breastfeeding your Baby